Road to College


Road to College is an interactive tablet application that guides the user through each major step of the college application process. It provides a timeline for students, outlining major dates and application deadlines. In addition, the app displays information about different schools, majors, and careers, to help students who are not yet certain about their futures.
Initial Sketches & Moodboard
I started by thumbnailing some of the main states of the app, as well as interactions I wanted to include in the demo. Then, I began to collect inspiration for color, look and feel. I wanted the app to feel bright and inviting - reassuring users that the college process doesn't have to be stressful.
I continued from here by translating my sketches into lo-fi wireframes. My final design ended up shifting slightly from these initial concepts, but they provided the foundation for me to move onto more high-fidelity comps.
Final Comps
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